Yichang Shennongjia
Not only is this forestry district a unique sight to behold, this northwestern Hubei province national treasure has a lot of historical and cultural significance in ancient Chinese folklore, making for an experience which stimulates just about all the senses at once, so the journey is worth making with a little bit of knowledge about exactly what it is one will be taking visual stock of, weather pre-acquired or taken in along the actual experience.
The true value of a tourist attraction can probably be best measured by the degree to which the locals embrace it, not only as a monetary asset but also as an attraction to enjoy themselves, and this approach of gauging the value of Shennongjia accounts for one of the must-see attractions the culture-rich, history-rich, proud nation of China has to offer and should definitely be part of the itinerary, if not leading it outright.
As legend has it (like most other Chinese attractions), Shennongjia's fame goes way beyond the sheer treasure of beautiful wildlife it has to offer, with the legendary wild men, the "Yeren", said to have roamed the face of this majestic area.
You're probably not likely to realistically encounter such sightings, but it doesn't hurt to keep an eye out, since the legend still goes around in this day and age, but what you must definitely look out for is some unique land formations that come together with the forces of nature that will take you on a trip you've probably never been on before.
The Sichuan Basin, which is located on the eastern side of Shennongjia, is a total must-see, especially if enjoyed as a distant view from a little higher up the mountain ranges which border it (including Shennongjia itself), with the ideal position probably about halfway up the 3,000-metre elevation.
This is another area famous for its karsts, which are also not to be missed as part of a complete tour of the majestic Shennongjia.
How to Get There
If Shennongjia is within the travel plans of your trip to this region of China, then you will most likely be based in Muyu, Hongping or Songbai. A coach is available from Yichang to Muyu, from which access to Shennongjia is simple.
It is highly recommended that you travel with a guide though, since the forest is accessible from all three regions, but it is very easy to lose your way with the sheer size of the forest.
Operating Times: 08:00 - 17:00
Entrance Fees: 140 Yuan